Saturday, October 1, 2016

Project 10 - Fall

I am so excited for the start of this monthly photo challenge. What I love about having these monthly challenges with different themes is that they help you on a couple different levels. Not only do they push your creativity, but  also help you capture beautiful images that I hope you will cherish for many years. When coming up with a theme for this month, I really wanted  it to tie in with things going on this time of year and upcoming Holidays. I also wanted it to be general enough that people were able to interpret it in their own special way that could be a reflection of something in your life. So, your challenge now is to have your own photo shoot that ties in with the theme "Fall". Before this month ends take the time to post these images to the Life Story Facebook page so that we can all enjoy everyone's beautiful creations! Make these images reflect what fall means to you. 

So, here are my images for this month! I know these are not necessarily the images that would come to your mind when thinking of "fall", but this is what fall is to me and my little family. When I think of fall, I think of the weather finally starting to cool down (but now much since we live in AZ). It finally gets under 100 degrees which means we can finally enjoy playing at the park. During these cooler months we LIVE at the park and I wanted to capture this special memory with my kids. I hope you enjoy my completed project!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Arizona Engagement: Chris & Kyra

My husband & I have been blessed to know Kyra & her family for several years. I was so flattered when she asked me to take her engagement photos! They braved the hot Arizona summer and were so fun to photograph!  Don't they make a beautiful couple? :)


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Project Ten - Dark

I had every intention of completing this project, but was unable to due to holidays and pregnancy things. I did start the project though, and thought I might as well share the images I did get taken! I based my project on an image I took of my brother for a film class in college several years ago. I wanted to shoot using only very little window light that was leaking through the curtains or through the blinds in an almost completely dark room. I hope you enjoy the few images I do have (sorry they are of my kids again), and I promise to do better next month :).

This is the image from my film class:

Here are my new images

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Project Ten - Comfort

When I saw this months theme, I immediately thought of my children and their blankies. My two sweet little babies are attached to the blankets that they have slept  and snuggled with since they were born. These blankets rarely leave their side and have become such a comfort to them. I remember being the same way when I was little. When I had my blankets, I felt safe.  I slept with them longer than I am willing to admit :). When I decided to do this shoot,  I couldn't help but include my baby blankets in some of the shots.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Project Ten - Dress

This is a dress that I purchased at an antique store for my daughter before she was born. I originally bought it as a decoration for her room, but thought this was the perfect opportunity to let her wear it.